26 January 2013

“I make the earth shake”

“Grey as a mouse,
Big as a house,
Nose like a snake,
I make the earth shake…”
(quoted from J.R.R. Tolkien re: Oliphaunt song)


Clearly it wasn’t Oliphaunts that caused our belongings to shift to one side of the basement.  Oliphaunts don’t exist!  (well, not in this world at least)  No, what this is, is phase one of The Great Basement Floor Re-Do circa 2013!
Nearly 4 years ago (yes, 4 YEARS) our basement flooded.  It wasn’t a major flood but enough to ruin the carpet.  Huh, ruin.  The carpet was 30+ years old when we moved in!  Still, the old carpet made the room look and feel “finished.”  Since then, the floor has been the bare concrete pictured here.  Dennis has decided to paint the floor.  The finished room will have a painted floor with a large rug in the sitting area.  Here is what the floor will look like:
I’ll keep you informed of his progress.  I’m just grateful he is willing to do it and it should be done by Spring.  Then we will decide on the next project.
Stay tuned…

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Woohoo! That's exciting!