07 October 2012

still plugging away

I haven’t posted in a long while but I have been working on my chair project as time and ambition permit.  The next step after my last post was to work on the posts and rungs with spoke shave & scraper until they were nice and smooth.the only real trick here is that the rungs must be precisely sized so that they fit properly into the holes drilled into the posts.  Speaking of drilling holes in posts, here is the setup I used to insure the holes were drilled straight and square.


With the holes drilled in the front and back posts it’s now time to assemble the first chair side.


Brush on some glue then pound the rungs into the front post.


The back post goes on next.  The rungs are a very tight fit (by design) so it takes a lot of force to draw the front and back together.


The holes in the posts for the side to side rungs must be drilled at the correct angle.  This gig helped me set that angle. By the way, that’s a band for a Shaker box sitting on the chair in the background.  Thought I’d make a few then it comes time to bend the chair backs.


First chair assembled!


One more to go then I’ll make & install the chair backs, apply finish, and then weave the seat…

cheers – dj

1 comment:

Katie said...

wow, very impressive! the chairs look like a lot of work, but they are going to be beautiful!